Ellen Edmondson Author ~ Medium ~ Spirit Artist ~ Intuition Coach
Ellen EdmondsonAuthor ~ Medium ~ Spirit Artist ~ Intuition Coach

Meet Ellen 

Love is not what we become; it is what we already are.  ~Levine




Ellen delivers messages of love, hope, comfort, encouragement, and healing through her work as an author, medium, spirit artist, intuition coach, and advocate for highly intuitive kids. She is a former senior government executive passionate about making a positive contribution to the lives of others.


Ellen has been honored and blessed to do this sacred work with clients nationwide. She offers different types of readings with and without art and intuitive coaching to others to bring comfort, clarity, and support to people grieving or uncertain about their path forward as they try to navigate the triumphs and trials of their soul's journey.  


Ellen believes giving and receiving unconditional love is our purpose, experiencing joy is our mission, and a life of service is our calling--at all times.


In 2022, she founded and created the Highly Intuitive Kids website and Facebook Parent Community, support networks for families and caregivers of highly intuitive children. In addition, she has been a guest speaker on several podcasts about parenting highly intuitive kids. Her son and family were featured on the premiere episode of the A&E Psychic Kids show in 2019 and Inside Edition digital in 2022. 


Ellen lives in Maryland, USA.




In 2005, after 16 years in a very successful federal career, She left a senior executive position to pursue the call on my life to become a wife and mother on a spiritual path.


In January 2013, eight years after she made this decision, something unique happened. She had a series of undeniable experiences that awakened her spiritual gifts.


Within nine days, she spontaneously started automatic writing, automatic typing, communicating with deceased people, speaking in a trance, and speaking in light language, also known as speaking in tongues. Six months later, her journey as a spirit artist began.  


This series of events started my deeper dive into her spiritual journey. Her husband, who has always been supportive, helped her find spiritual teachers, mentors, and classes so she could better understand, accept, and embrace her unique talents. It's been a 10-year journey of discovery, acceptance, and service.




With these unique abilities, Ellen has dedicated her life to comforting and supporting others in ways that help reawaken their inner knowing that life is eternal, that love never dies, and that we are each a beautiful soul here with a unique purpose and divine light.


Her goal is to use her life to create a ripple effect of positive change throughout humanity--one person at a time.   

 Let Your Light Shine!




Sunday, September 15

from 10:00-1:00pm (EST)



Illuminate Festival

Frederick, Maryland

Sunday, October 13 

Illuminate Festival

Annapolis, Maryland

Saturday, November 9 


Frederick, MD

Sunday, October 13

from 10:00am-5:00pm

Annapolis, MD

Saturday, November 9

from 10:00am-5:00pm



Illuminate Festival

Frederick, Maryland

Sunday, October 13 

from 10:00-5:00pm (EST)

           July 2024


"Making a positive contribution to the world starts with small acts of love."


~Ellen Edmondson~

        July 2024


 I move beyond old limitations and now express myself freely and creatively.


~Louise L. Hay~

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