Award-Winning Author ~ Spiritual Guide ~ Intuition Coach ~ Artist
 Award-Winning Author ~ Spiritual Guide ~  Intuition Coach ~ Artist

Mediumship & Intuitive Readings

I am blessed to be an open vessel that receives  "streams" of intuitive and divine information I use to bring messages of hope, healing, comfort, and encouragement to others through the readings, writings, coaching, and drawings I offer.  


From a young age, I knew I experienced life differently than others.  I had a keen sense of knowing and feeling information. This inner knowing and guidance helped me throughout my life and has brought me to this point.


In 2013, I had a spiritual awakening that helped me understand and embrace being a medium--a vessel of GOD's love and light--as my life's path.  It is this path I am meant to follow during this part of my life's journey.


My goal is to help as many people as I can who are drawn to what I can do and what I offer. If you feel guided to make an appointment, I would be honored to work with you. 


I don't believe in coincidences. All is always divinely orchestrated. You are here for a reason. Trust and be open-minded to whatever that reason may be.

I offer two types of readings

Mediumship Reading

In a Mediumship Reading, we focus on connecting with friends and loved ones who have transitioned back to spirit. My goal is to give evidence that shows the continuity of life. It is common for more than one communicator to show up for a session. In that case, I will do my best to try to connect to the ones you most want to hear from; however, there are no guarantees. Spirit always gives you what you need and not necessarily what you want. 


To have the best session possible, keep your heart and mind open and let spirit lead the way. If you do this, you will be pleasantly surprised at how spirit knows precisely what you need at that time.



Mediumship Reading

  • 30-minutes at $100
  • 60-minutes at $150

Intuitive Reading:

  • 30-minutes at $100
  • 60-minutes at $150

Book Your Mediumship Reading

30-minute Session - $100

Ready to connect with your Loved Ones on the other side and receive their love and support?
Book your 30-minute session by clicking below

60-minute Session - $150

Do you want to spend more time connecting with your Loved Ones on the other side and receiving their love and support?
Book your 60-minute session by clicking below

Intuitive Reading

During an Intuitive Reading, we focus on how to maneuver through the opportunities and challenges in your life.  This type of reading is a blend of intuitive and psychic information. The goal is to bring clarity to any questions you may have regarding your career, relationships, health, finances, and matters about your life's direction or spiritual path. 


Regardless of what comes up in a reading, know that you always have free will and are in control of your choices and your life's direction. Any situation in your life can change based on your decisions, so nothing I say during our session is definite.  Your life depends on YOUR choices.

Book Your Intuitive Reading

30-Minute Session - $100

Are you uncertain about your path forward and need some clarity and guidance? 
Book your 30-minute session by clicking below to spend a half hour receiving intuitive guidance.

60-minute Session-$150

Do you want more time to work through your questions and uncertainties?
Book your 60-minute session by clicking below to spend one-hour receiving intuitive guidance.

Once an appointment is scheduled and payment is made, a Zoom link will be emailed to you for our session.

Not Sure Which Option is Right for You?

If you’re unsure which type of reading is the best fit for you, or if you have any questions before booking, I offer a free discovery call. During this call, we can discuss your needs, answer any questions, and determine which one is a good fit for you.


Schedule a Free Discovery Call by clicking below.


  • All sessions are for adults 18 years or older.
  • All information is offered for personal and entertainment purposes and is not intended at any time to replace the advice, counsel, or recommendation of any medical, psychological, legal, or financial expert or any other professional service.
  • The information imparted during a coaching session is experimental and open to interpretation.
  • Clients are advised that they have free will at all times to make their own choices, and Ellen Edmondson shall not be held responsible for the actions they may or may not take as a result of their session.

 Let Your Light Shine!



FREE Virtual

Book Talk Series:

Exploring A Place of Love & Light

on Sundays

February 16 -March 2025 



Sunday, February 23

from 10:00-1:00pm (EST)


Annapolis, Maryland

July 19, 2025 


Columbia, Maryland

September 14, 2025 


Frederick, MD

Octobet 26, 2025


Annapolis, MD

November 8, 2025



Illuminate Festival

Annapolis, Maryland

July 19, 2025 

        February 2025


Love is the most powerful force we carry--when we nurture it within, share it freely, and embrace it unconditionally, we become part of a greater ripple that transforms hearts, lives, and the world.


~Ellen Edmondson~

      February 2025


I am a vessel of love--radiating kindness, compassion, and light to myself, others, and the world.


~Ellen Edmondson~

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